
Old world wisdom, new world insight – poems, poetry, philosophy, dreams, commentary, ideas

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Telltale Tongue

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

When we stick out our tongues at someone who has angered us,
it is a sign that what we really feel is frustration or defiance or disgust.
When we have that exact reaction in a pleasant context, it is a demonstration that what we really feel is consolation or irony or just playful.

What matters most is what we intend to express. What is in the heart.
The tongue is a big red flag (pun intended) that we wag when we want to express something cutting or hurtful.
Then again, it is a soft and comforting tool when we want to speak soothingly to someone in pain or console someone’s exasperation.

Why the tongue so powerful?
This explanation will be shorter
than a Top 40 song from 1960s.

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Hands of time

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

I see these once tanned hands.
Lots of wrinkly skin around the knuckles.
This means — must have been ready to bend into a new shape at the clinch of a fist.

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Batman – in color – has died

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Rest In Peace – William West Anderson, AKA Adam West (1928-2017) whose film and TV credits ranged from Geronimo (1962), Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964), TV’s iconic Batman series, as well as Diagnosis Murder and The King of Queens. West passed away because of a short but brave battle with leukemia, according to his family.

Why is Adam West significant in the American culture as TV’s Batman?

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Continual reminder

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Plans are never easy
when contending with the soul.
Success is always worth the price
after accomplishing the goal. Continue reading

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There is hope

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

The difference between
being on a leash or in a cage
means that either way, this perspective
still makes for a dog’s life.

Under someone’s thumb
causes every effort to seek out freedom
where it can be found
and forget the ties that bind. Continue reading

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ADVICE: The best of both worlds – a recipe

(not really)

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Having the best of both worlds
is a go-to favorite fantasy
for people who look at life as a sweet snack,
an afternoon delight,
a normal part of daily living,
or an after-school treat
with friends who don’t sponge off of you.

Or, if you are like the rest of us,
having the best of both worlds
is a faded poster on a rainy street light. Continue reading

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The information age is dead – Long Live AI

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

We can read current headlines explaining artificial intelligence, AI, and its rapid rise to power. It is surpassing Human capacity for thinking, performing, and creating.

We appear to be adapting quite well as a frog in a cooking pot with the water temperature slowly rising to a boil.
We tell ourselves to adapt to Continue reading

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Cat, speak catspeak!

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

A crazy young girl with brunette hair
long ago said she must be my mate.

She looked into her book of spells
and conjured a figure eight.

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Working hard

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

The idea of ‘work’ can mean building a palace or
destroying people and places.

Work can be hard, easy, profitable, masterful, secretive and even stupid.

Work also wears a “suit phrase”
which gives ‘metaphor’ a run for its money. (see below)

The biggest question for OG workers is:
How in the world can clicking a mouse be considered work? Continue reading

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You woke up, today. You won

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

He walked out of the war zone.
Almost no one survived the barrage.

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