
Old world wisdom, new world insight – poems, poetry, philosophy, dreams, commentary, ideas

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Cat, speak catspeak!

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

A crazy young girl with brunette hair
long ago said she must be my mate.

She looked into her book of spells
and conjured a figure eight.

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Working hard

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

The idea of ‘work’ can mean building a palace or
destroying people and places.

Work can be hard, easy, profitable, masterful, secretive and even stupid.

Work also wears a “suit phrase”
which gives ‘metaphor’ a run for its money. (see below)

The biggest question for OG workers is:
How in the world can clicking a mouse be considered work? Continue reading

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My Nuss Won! ®

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Why drink a SODA POP that ONLY offers you ZERO calories???
Drink this beverage instead AND LOSE WEIGHT!

My Nuss Won! ®

My Nuss Won! ® actually takes MORE calories to digest than it offers,
virtually guaranteeing you lose weight from trying to swallow it
or the science involved in this endeavor.

Here is the “Formula” : Continue reading

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Real Human Skills – Face-to-Face Infiltration (ʭNaΫ₹)

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Here are the Best Behaviors to practice
in order to be considered a real “live” Human Being. 
Your orders: acclimate; hide in plain sight; and act when alerted.

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