
Old world wisdom, new world insight – poems, poetry, philosophy, dreams, commentary, ideas

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As each year passes / Como cada año pasa / So vergeht jedes Jahr

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

A poem of transition from womb to woman
here in English, Spanish, and German.


As each year passes

As each year passes new words
are spoken for fairytales and  tunes.
In the evenings sprites, by day, the birds.
Festive parties with balloons.
The taller you stand, the bluer your eyes.
A song in your heart; how we empathize. Continue reading

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Working hard

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

The idea of ‘work’ can mean building a palace or
destroying people and places.

Work can be hard, easy, profitable, masterful, secretive and even stupid.

Work also wears a “suit phrase”
which gives ‘metaphor’ a run for its money. (see below)

The biggest question for OG workers is:
How in the world can clicking a mouse be considered work? Continue reading

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This is who I am, right now

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

The butcher
the baker
a candlestick maker
A shoulder to cry on
The one who pays
attention to you

A dessert maker experimenting
on our ice cream sundaes
with m&ms
over spoonfuls
of peanut butter Continue reading

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by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Round and round around we went
surveying every inch of the square,

straight through the jagged alleyways
behind the crooked mall,

high above we stood in the clouds of misty white
watching people stroll the darkness of the streets. Continue reading



By Lawrence J. J. Leonard

How may I do my best every day? Follow these simple steps:

  1. Turn it off. Only critics can get paid for TV, movies, and text watching. You and I succeed when we leave the room and set our minds, hands, and hearts on preparation, thinking, and doing.
  2. Read 10 minutes each day. Reading quiets the soul. You can learn more from reading a printed book than from a celebrity magazine.
  3. Write 10 minutes each day. Write about what? Write about you – but not the Facebook type of update. How many times did you go outside then wash your hands? Not even you care about that! Clarify your thoughts and ideas in writing.
  4. Call people you love — and tell them you love them. Love is inspiration.
  5. The early bird does not get the worm. Wake up early. The early bird makes the money to buy worms to make fishing profitable.
  6. Love the work? Love it, or leave it for something fulfilling.
  7. Remember that ‘no’ for all good works is neither objection nor rejection. It is only a ‘not yet.’ Get a second opinion if you don’t get why you were told ‘no.’
  8. Gain an attitude of positive acceptance. We don’t tolerate cancer, so don’t get confused if you are called intolerant. You can accept people where they are, just do not accept their rules for your life.
  9. Want to waste energy? Be angry. Anger blocks positive thought. Use your upset energy to let someone know what is happening. Communicate and don’t just complain.
  10. When you don’t know, act on that instinct to learn. How many languages do you speak? How many books have you read? What’s the definition of ___?
  11. See how good you are? Tell yourself how good you can be. Adjust where necessary.

You are worth it.  IT IS JUST THAT SIMPLE

Copyright © 1960-2015 Lawrence J. J. Leonard  All rights reserved.