
Old world wisdom, new world insight – poems, poetry, philosophy, dreams, commentary, ideas

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What your BRAND CANNOT DO (with a cell phone)

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

I woke up this morning. I guess that was a good thing? I got to work and discovered that I forgot my cell phone at home.
As a commuter I was unarmed with video “gotcha” technology.
More importantly, I was not distracted by incessant texts.
I was able to turn on the car radio and listen to real people — speaking — on the air — to me.

Usually, when I get to work my older friends ask me how I am doing.
Telling them anything other than the truth is betrayal.
So, the confession they hear is, “I got up. So, now I’ve got something to complain about.”
And we laugh.
My younger friends ask me, “How is it going?” Telling them anything other than “It’s all good” is TMI (too much information).
Neither group notices I am off the grid this day.
Has this happened to you?

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ADVICE: The best of both worlds – a recipe

(not really)

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Having the best of both worlds
is a go-to favorite fantasy
for people who look at life as a sweet snack,
an afternoon delight,
a normal part of daily living,
or an after-school treat
with friends who don’t sponge off of you.

Or, if you are like the rest of us,
having the best of both worlds
is a faded poster on a rainy street light. Continue reading

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Cat, speak catspeak!

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

A crazy young girl with brunette hair
long ago said she must be my mate.

She looked into her book of spells
and conjured a figure eight.

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Working hard

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

The idea of ‘work’ can mean building a palace or
destroying people and places.

Work can be hard, easy, profitable, masterful, secretive and even stupid.

Work also wears a “suit phrase”
which gives ‘metaphor’ a run for its money. (see below)

The biggest question for OG workers is:
How in the world can clicking a mouse be considered work? Continue reading

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Summer trio

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

The ice is melting and the ground can be seen.
The rain washed away where the snowman has been.
Some of the sun’s rays warm the air,
but for now my teeth chatter: hhh click-click-click Continue reading

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It’s your worldview that convicted you

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

“Why,” asked the defendant, “did they jury point out
that I was kind, and pretty and well intentioned?
Then jolt me with a mandatory sentence?” Continue reading

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How God created the animals (maybe) – Part 1

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Please enjoy this holiday repartee between the Creator and the helpers.
Happy Holidays!

G:  Take that rolling green log in the river and fill it with teeth.
Angels: What about eyesight?
G:  Give it two eyelids and uh , , ,  a tasty tail. Continue reading