
Old world wisdom, new world insight – poems, poetry, philosophy, dreams, commentary, ideas

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ADVICE: The best of both worlds – a recipe

(not really)

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Having the best of both worlds
is a go-to favorite fantasy
for people who look at life as a sweet snack,
an afternoon delight,
a normal part of daily living,
or an after-school treat
with friends who don’t sponge off of you.

Or, if you are like the rest of us,
having the best of both worlds
is a faded poster on a rainy street light. Continue reading

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Letters I never meant to make words with, but did

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Some things are better left unsaid.
It’s thinking them that is not forbidden.
Here are some thoughts many of us have felt but did not have the timing or the nerve to tell to our chosen adversary: Continue reading