
Old world wisdom, new world insight – poems, poetry, philosophy, dreams, commentary, ideas

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Funny thing about Robots

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Queen News of the World

American artist Frank Kelly Freas altered his 1953 painting for Queen’s album art.

They used to cling and clang. They were faceless and only had numbers for identification.
We now refer to them as “A” “I” creatures. But robots, as they will always be known,
only get the AI designation if they are higher up in the chip processing pecking order.

What is our fascination with a pile of bolts and silica personified? Power?

Is it that we want more than just a reflection of what we see? Relationship?

Is it that we are so surrounded by wonderful creation that we are inspired to re-create creation?

Robots seem to give us a pathway to enhance our own reality. Like Radio Controlled cars and drones.
Not like Virtual Reality (VR) at all. More so in a physical way.

These days robots can be much more.
How is this possible?
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Pun Control – Nine – AI and OEU and sometimes Y

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Technologies are advancing so quickly that we have to plan our lives around times without electronic devices, just to feel human.

It all started with Quantum Mechanics. Robert Hooke a natural philosopher, architect and polymath from England,
proposed in the 1600s that force and gravity had attractive properties in space.

From these humble beginnings we know that light travels faster than sound.
This is why some Humans appear bright BEFORE we hear them speak.


Human: What happened when Chuck Norris and Time had a race?

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Memories returning

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard


You said you had a question about the way we live
explaining that there was a girl you knew long, long ago
who used to walk with you to school.

She always talked about her house.

She revealed that her bedroom had no windows.

 Then one day you went to visit her there
and saw for yourself.

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Dreams, between the dark and the light

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

Beyond the concentration of handicraft
above the slumber of well-fed babes
turn the head ever so slightly and
pass through the realm awaiting.

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AI Counterculture: Humans make the rules and Humans break the rules

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

A long time ago in the dinosaur age of the 1960s, there was a group of enlightened musicians living in a then functional country named “Greece.” Before the recession of 2006 through 2009, or the adoption of the Euro Dollar, a debt crisis wrecked Greece’s economy.

This upheaval at home spurred four young Greeks to foretell the future.


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The information age is dead – Long Live AI

by Lawrence J. J. Leonard

We can read current headlines explaining artificial intelligence, AI, and its rapid rise to power. It is surpassing Human capacity for thinking, performing, and creating.

We appear to be adapting quite well as a frog in a cooking pot with the water temperature slowly rising to a boil.
We tell ourselves to adapt to Continue reading